

Randomly exposed selected texts by or about Torsten Jurell

Text from the catalogue to the exhibition The Fish in the Sky, Hallwyl Museum, Stockholm, Sweden, April – Sept.1 2024

Text in English and Chinese by Love Jönsson, curator, writer. Published at the website of CAFA Art Museum as an introduction to 月光下的恶作剧 - Pranks in The Moonlight, Torsten Jurell´s solo exhibition autumn 2017.



Dieser programmatische Satz aus Marcel Marceaus berühmten Manifest für Rolandseck aus dem Jahre 1969, ist einer der Handlungsstränge einer großangelegten Theaterinszenierung, die ihren Ausgangspunkt im spätklassizistischen Bahnhofsgebäude nimmt und sich in den unterschiedlichen Gebäudeteilen des Neubaus von Richard Meier fortsetzt. Der...

Text: Torsten Jurell in the Indian art magazine "Art&Deal". A presentation of the Chinese sculptor Wang Jingxue (Xiao Xue).

Text: Mengjia. In September 2010 Torsten Jurell exhibited Brief report from the Underworld at Pickled Art - UNIT ONE Gallery, in 798 ART district in Beijing. The show attracted the attention of the leading sculpture magazine NATIONAL SCULPTURE MAGAZINE OF CHINA that were about to stage a major exhibition of wooden sculpture. At that time Jurell...

我碰巧在那里来自地底的好消息 Text (will follow in Chinese): Torsten Jurell. From the book "Good News from The Lower World. Karneval 2010.



Text and photo: Torsten Jurell. Indian Art Magazine ART ETC 2010

Text: Laure Barbizet-Namer. Assistant curator in charge of the painting and print department at Musée d'histoire Contemporaine, (the Museum of Contemporary History), Paris



Text: Lars Andrée. From the book "Fire!" Published during the exhibition at Stockholm "Culture House" Kulturhuset, 2000.