• Two Painted reliefs in wood is stolen at July, 2020.
• One Painted reliefs in wood is stolen at the end of March 2018
Cat Girl, relief in chessnut, oilpaint. 91x91 cm. 2001. Stolen July 1, 2020.

Medusa, relief in oak wood, oilpaint and kaolin. 91x91 cm. 2001. Stolen July 1, 2020.

Relief in oak wood, oilpaint and kaolin. Size: 100x70x5cm.
The stolen relief is No. 4 in a suite (below) of 5. Created in 1999 in connection with the 90-day bombings NATO carried out in Serbia in 1999, where infrastructure built since the Second World War was ravaged. The suite "Victory, victory, defeat!" was created for the exhibition "Det Brinner!" which was Torsten Jurell's solo exhibition in Gallery 5 at Kulturhuset in Stockholm. An exhibition that opened in connection with the new millennium.

The entire relief suite, of which reliefs 1 and 4 have been separated from the suite and sold to Pedagogen Park in Mölndal.