N0.8 Art Space i Nanjing, Kina. Grupputställning. 28.Januari - 8 Mars 2019

"A New Year - no matter what we had encountered before- is always the best start and full of hope!
The famous music piece "The New World" by Dvorak, a Czech composer, eulogizes a new world and a new start. The simple pentatonic scale and unique cutting rhythm make the whole symphony full of rich, strong and unique colors -- a lyrical and bright world unfolds. NO.8, our art gallery, will kick off at the beginning of the new year and name the first exhibition after this wonderful music piece, which symbolizes that we would like to represent art within the aura of "a new world". Late on, we might go further exploring new possibilities of art as in new land.
We do wish to pass our goodwill and best wishes via art works to every audience. If possible, we may refresh our deep inner and meanwhile make the world look being refreshed too."
Artists: Jialiang Feng、Torsten Jurell、Ce Guan、Zhen Ge 、Huilin Gao、Jun Huang、Tian Jin、Jie Jin、Torsten Jurell、Weihong Jin、Quan Jin、Guofu Liu、Chunjie Liu、You Peng、Jianjun Qin、Francois Ruegg、Qin Shen、Jun Sun、Weijia Wu、Changming Wang、Xiaoming Wang、Qingli Wang、Liping Wang、Cheng Wang、Xiaofang Yuan、Zhilin Yang、Siming Yang、Dong Yan、Yang Xue、Hai Xie、Zhongxia Xie、Qin Yu、Qin Zhao、Jin Zhao
新年 --无论人类遭遇什么--永远是最好的开始,充满希望!
捷克作曲家德沃夏克的名曲《自新世界》就是在讴歌新的天地和新的开始。曲子中淳朴的五声音阶、独特的切分节奏使整个交响曲充满丰富、强烈、独特的斑斓色彩--一个抒情明亮的世界气象便如此展开。我们的新艺术空间NO.8 在新一年的初始拉开序幕,不妨就借用这首名曲的标题来命名第一次展览,旨在寓意我们用"自新世界"的气象来面对艺术和呈现艺术,如果可以,还将探索关于艺术的新理念。
封家樑、管策、葛震、高惠林(韩国)、黄峻、金田、金捷、Torsten Jurell(瑞典)、靳卫红、靳泉、刘国夫、刘春杰、彭友、秦剑君、Francois Ruegg(瑞士)、沈勤、孙俊、吴维佳、王长明、王晓鸣(日本)、王清丽、王立平、王成、袁晓舫、杨志麟、杨思明、闫栋、薛扬、谢海、谢中霞、喻勤、赵勤、赵净
出品人: 蔡蓉
Sponsor: Rong Cai
学术顾问: 王瑞芸
Art critic: Ruiyun Wang
艺术总监: 谢中霞
Curator : Zhongxia Xie
展览统筹: 李静娴
Assistant: Jingxian Li
首席媒体支持: 《艺术地带》杂志
Chief Media support: Art Idea magazine
媒体支持:《扬子晚报》、《现代快报》、《金陵晚报》、《世界书画家报》、《晶报》、《深圳商报》、《南方 都市报》、《画刊》杂志、《美术天地》杂志、《香港美术》杂志、中国江苏网、龙虎网、中国日报网、雅昌艺术网、中国国家艺术网、99艺术网、中国文艺网、卓克艺术网、网易、新浪、凤凰、搜狐、318艺术网、大美术、香港文汇网、书画频道、十楼
Other supports: Yangtze Evening News, World Calligrapher and Painter Daily, Jinling News, Shenzhen Business Daily, Southern Metropolis Daily, Picture Magazine, Art World, Hong Kong Art Magazine, China Jiangsu Network, Dragon and Tiger Network, China Daily Network, Yachang Art Network, China National Art Network, 99 Art Network, China Art Network, Zhuoke Art Network, Netease, Sina, Phoenix Sohu, 318 Art Network, Grand Art, Hong Kong Wenhui Network, Painting and Calligraphy Channel,
10th Floor 开幕时间: 2019年1月28日下午3
点 Opening: 3:00 p.m. January 28, 2019 展览时间: 2019年1月28日-3月8日
Exhibition Period: 28. 01. 2019-08. 03. 2019 展览地点:南京中山陵风景区四方城1号十朝文化园8号楼N0.8艺术空间
Address:N0.8 Art Space, Building 8, Ten Dynasties Cultural Park, No. 1 Sifang City, Zhongshan Mausoleum Scenic Area, Nanjing