Samtliga verk i detta urval är gjutna på Herman Bergman Konstgjuteri i Stockholm

Tricket. Patinread brons, uppgala: 2/5. 100x125 cm. 2005

Maya. patinerad brons, bladguld, upplaga: 1/5. 68x80 cm. 2005 (privat samling)

1&2 -version 2. patinated bronze, oil paint, kaolin. edition: unique. 16 x 16 x 48cm (each). 2000

Väktare i Underjorden, patinerad brons. unikt ex. 33 x 25 x 12 cm (approx) 2008

1&2 - version1 (Unique). Patinated bronze. 21 x 13 x 19 cm. 2005. (Private collection).

Grace. Patinated bronze. 60 x 26 x 16 cm. 2006

Blondie. (Front- and backside). Patinated bronze, kasein tempera. Unique. 117,5 x 26 x 31 cm. 2004-06. (Private collection)

A Girl of Calais. patinated bronze, oil paint. Unique. 40,5 x 21,5 15,5 cm. 2007. (Private collection).

Stilleben från Underjorden (detaj). Patinated bronze. Unique. 29 x 28 x 27,7 cm. 2007 -09

Actor. patinated bronze, golden leaf, fabrics. Unique. 57 x22 x 24 cm. 2007

Stilleben från Underjorden (detaj). Patinated bronze. Unique. 18 x 25 x 17,5 cm. 2008 -09